Scotty & Malcolm Wellington


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Scotty & Malcolm Wellington, Guide & Review

A great gay cocktail with a lounge with surroundings, cedar walls, and
Egyptian stone stones to set the mood. It is owned and operated by a
couple, Scott and Malcolm, who played a significant role in the gay
community of Wellington over the past few decades and have opened
various queer clubs and bars in the past. S&M is a great place to relax and
enjoy gin and tonic, beer, fine wine, or a nice cocktail – perfect for great
music, good company, and great staff taking care of you. There is also a
basement B&D (Basement and Dance) open to Bingay on Wednesdays,
shows, gigs, and regular activities, from Thursday to Saturday. No matter
what you choose to do, there is room for all of us to enjoy it.

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